Welcome to Karing Kritters
where we are dedicated to helping your children learn more about their friends with Special Needs. We are a family of Special Needs.
About Karing Kritters
Our son is affected with severe autism, so we developed Karing Kritters to bring awareness to children who may cross paths with Special Needs Children. We found that some children seemed a bit uncomfortable interacting with our son. We hope that our stories will encourage your children to comfortably engage and make friends with our Special Needs Friends.

Our simple concepts are meant to give you talking points with your children about special friends they may know. Read our books with your children and use the Notes to Parents section to guide them in interacting with children they may know with Special Needs.

Who’s the book for?

Each book is personalised and printed just for you. We’ll usually deliver within 12 days. Due to xmas-rush, we NO LONGER GUARANTEE delivery before 24th.